Friday, July 18, 2008


We would like to hear from any of our readers who have been murdered recently. We are aware that being a murder victim is a serious condition that hampers one’s ability to participate in mainstream society, but we encourage those who have suffered from this ailment to sweep aside their shame and confusion and tell the world how they really feel. Life as a corpse is difficult under any circumstance, but when that corpse has been slain through the evil intentions of another – especially in a particularly gruesome or imaginative way, in which case we encourage you to share every last detail – it only magnifies the pain. Murder may be the silent killer, but let’s use this opportunity to give it a voice.


Unknown said...

Having myself been murdered several years ago, I found this post a great deal more poignant than your usual hard-hitting reportage. It is, truly, the most alienating experience from society known to mankind. If more people can raise their voice and admit to having been murdered, perhaps we can have support groups and work at bridging the gulf that exists between the living and the murdered.

Bravo, sir.

Apocryphist Prima said...

Do you mind if we ask when, how, and under what circumstances your murder occurred?

Unknown said...

No, I don't mind at all if you ask, sir.